Final Exam

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 Hello Students,

 I hope that all of you are either safely home in the United States or enjoying new adventures in Spain. I greatly enjoyed our time together last week, and remain impressed by your collective curiosity. A passion for the lessons of history remains an essential trait of the successful lawyer. I departed The Netherlands with a new appreciation for human ingenuity and our potential to prepare for and to endure the future changes to our climate and our planet. I look forward to reading about what you learned from the experience; so, to that end, here is your Final Exam. 


Professor Rizzardi


Delft, The Netherlands


 This is an open book exam consisting of two equally weighted essay questions. Send it to by NOON on JUNE 28, 2013 – no exceptions. Conduct additional research as needed. Your response should consist of no more than 8 pages of double spaced text, in 12 point proportional font, fully-justified, with 1 inch margins, a header on every page with an anonymous grading number (you will receive an AGN from Cathy Hayes) and a footer on every page with a page number. Citations to laws should be included in the text of the essays, but you are encouraged to provide endnotes or a bibliography to identify other sources. (Endnotes or bibliographies do not count toward the 8 page limit; do not use footnotes.) This project should force you to be comprehensive yet concise: you will be evaluated for breadth, depth, clarity, accuracy and professionalism, including your ability to follow these directions.

(1)   In an effort to restore the Everglades, the South Florida Water Management District and others are involved in the construction, operation and regulation of a series of public works projects known as Stormwater Treatment Areas. In no more than four pages, explain: (a) what STAs are designed to do, (b) how these projects are regulated by the Florida and federal governments; and (c) what obstacles prevent STAs from achieving performance objectives.

(2)   How does The Netherlands approach to water resources protection compare with the Everglades experience? In no more than four pages, discuss how the Dutch use public works and planning approaches to water resources management, naming specific projects, places and laws, and with specific attention to at least two of the following: (a) water quality; (b) flood protection; (c) conservation ecology; and (d) the structure and roles of the government institutions.