NEWS NOTES ON SUSTAINABLE WATER RESOURCES Watersheds and Stormwater Weinstein, Neil, et al, A Watershed Approach to Mitigating Stormwater Impact...

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NEWS NOTES ON SUSTAINABLE WATER RESOURCES Watersheds and Stormwater Weinstein, Neil, et al, A Watershed Approach to Mitigating Stormwater Impacts, National Academy of Sciences, NCHRP Research Report 840, 2017. This is a long technical report. The quick way to get the free download is to go to the link below, sign in as a guest, and download either the whole report or individual chapters. The entire report is about 26 MB. A Watershed Approach to Mitigating Stormwater Impacts provides a practical watershed-based decision-making framework and spreadsheet based Watershed-Based Stormwater Mitigation Toolbox that will enable state departments of transportation (DOTs) to identify and implement offsite cost-effective and environmentally beneficial water quality solutions for stormwater impacts when onsite treatment and/or mitigation is not possible within the right-of-way. The report and toolbox—which identifies other useful resources—should be of immediate use to stormwater managers and roadway drainage engineers who have to mitigate water quality impacts from roadway stormwater runoff in order to comply with state and federal water quality requirements. State Department of Transportation (DOTs) are sometimes unable to meet stormwater management requirements onsite or in close proximity to the impacted area; therefore, additional approaches to accomplishing mitigation requirements are needed. By focusing on watershed protection, stormwater pollutant reduction, and hydrologic impairment, state DOTs and natural resource agencies that are interested in exploring approaches that include off-site mitigation and nontraditional techniques and strategies may find that equivalent or greater environmental benefits can be achieved in a cost-effective manner. State DOTs’ stormwater management programs require new tools in order to cost-effectively achieve compliance with water quality permits that are derived from watershed-based Total Maximum Daily Load limitations and other requirements included in stormwater permits that are issued to state DOTs. This study will also be linked on the 2017 Reports and Publications Page of the Sustainable Water Resources Site at"> Tim Smith Sustainable Water Resources Coordinator Government Web Site, Sustainable Water Resources Site,">