NEWS NOTES ON SUSTAINABLE WATER RESOURCES Understanding Chemical and Microbial Contaminants in Public Drinking Water

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NEWS NOTES ON SUSTAINABLE WATER RESOURCES Understanding Chemical and Microbial Contaminants in Public Drinking Water drinking water in the United States is of high quality. Disinfection alone has greatly reduced acute health risks of drinking public water supplies. Protection of the Nation's drinking water resources is a priority for and the responsibility of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) under the Safe Drinking Water Act in conjunction with State and Tribal agencies and water utilities. Water purveyors consistently monitor more than 100 chemical and microbial contaminants as part of compliance requirements under the Safe Drinking Water Act. The public has access to compliance monitoring results and water purveyors summarize this information annually in Consumer Confidence Reports issued to all customers. Beyond compliance monitoring, there currently are other sources of data on regulated and unregulated contaminants in untreated and treated drinking water as part of the USEPA's Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule and from the independent efforts of public water purveyors themselves, academia, and other research and assessment programs. This study will also be linked on the 2017 Reports and Publications Page of the Sustainable Water Resources Site at"> Tim Smith Sustainable Water Resources Coordinator Government Web Site, Water Resources Site,">