NEWS NOTES ON SUSTAINABLE WATER RESOURCES USGS Natural Hazards ; Every year in the United States, natural hazard events threaten lives and livelihoods, resulting in deaths and billions of dollars in damage. The USGS works with many partners to monitor, assess, and conduct targeted research on a wide range of natural hazards so that policymakers and the public have the understanding they need to enhance preparedness, response and resilience. The Natural Hazards Mission Area is responsible for coordinating USGS response following disasters and overseeing the bureau's emergency management activities. The mission area coordinates long-term planning across the full USGS hazards science portfolio, including activities funded through many other programs across the bureau, including floods, hurricanes and severe storms, and wildfires. This link will also be posted on the 2018 Reports Page 02 of the Sustainable Water Resources Site at "> ; Tim SmithSustainable Water Resources CoordinatorGovernment Web Site, Water Resources Site, "> ;
- Resource Management
- Water Resource Management
- Water Resource Management